[ONLINE EXCLUSIVE] Kapten Batik Nostalgia Batu Seremban

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Batu Seremban, also known as “Five Stones,” is a traditional Malaysian game played using small, smooth stones or bean bags.

Typically, the game involves five stones, which are tossed and caught in a specific sequence, often requiring both skill and coordination.

Players throw the stones onto the ground and then pick them up one by one in different patterns, such as in a “snake” or “basket” shape, depending on the rules. The game is popular among children and is commonly played in schoolyards or community spaces.

Batu Seremban not only provides fun but also helps improve hand-eye coordination, agility, and concentration. The game has a long history and is a beloved part of Southeast Asian cultural heritage.

These Batu Seremban embody Kapten Batik's commitment to sustainability by repurposing leftover fabrics, ensuring a zero-waste production process.